Retrieve a Payment
HTTP Request
Content-Type: application/json
"transferStatusCode": 200,
"transferErrorMsg": null,
"idempotencyKey": "2022030214000008",
"referenceId": "2022030214000008",
"paymentMethod": "PIX_DYNAMIC_QR",
"amount": 300,
"currency": "BRL",
"country": "BR",
"finalAmount": 100,
"finalCurrency": "BRL",
"createTime": "2022-03-01 21:16:42 GMT-08:00",
"scheduledTime": "2022-03-01 21:16:42 GMT-08:00",
"finalStatusTime": "2022-03-01 21:16:48 GMT-08:00",
"payer": {
"name": "username",
"document": null,
"email": "",
"phone": "+55 81987654321",
"billingAddress": {
"zipCode": "04849333",
"state": "SP",
"city": "sao paulo",
"district": "Jardim Gaivotas",
"street": "Rua 9 de setembro",
"number": "15",
"complement": "casa",
"country": "BR"
"transferDetails": {
"pix": {
"qrCode": "00020101021226580014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX01366b780a05-2659-4c6c-80d2-a8bd20c8396f520400005303986540530.005802BR5925Liquido Brl Pagamentos Di6014Belo Horizonte61083038040362290525tBxJ2ERi5uYks44S5Lz7SSvuI63044492",
"qrCodeType": "DYNAMIC",
"expirationTime": "2023-09-22 11:01:27 UTC"
"boleto": null
"transferStatus": "SETTLED",
"description": "this is a test pay",
"callbackUrl": "",
"subMerchantId": "UUID"
HTTP Headers Details
Key | Value |
Authorization | "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}} |
x-api-key | {{api_key}} |
PATH and Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
idempotencyKey | String | The idempotency key of the transaction |
Response Body Details
Parameter | Type | Description |
idempotencyKey | String | Unique key to ensure idempotent requests |
amount | Long | The transfer amount |
country | String | country code |
currency | String | The currency of the transferred fund |
finalAmount | Long | The final amount that is used for creating the charge order. EX: for charge orders with FX conversion, this field represents the converted amount from the original requested amount. |
finalCurrency | String | The currency code of the finalAmount. |
createTime | String | The creation time of payin request |
scheduledTime | String | Transfer ticket scheduled time |
payer | JSON | payer info |
transferDetails | JSON | transaction details info |
finalStatusTime | String | The settled or failed time of payin transaction |
transferStatus | String | Transfer status, SETTLED, IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, REFUNDING, REFUNDED, CANCELLED |
transferStatusCode | Integer | Transfer status code, 200 transaction SETTLED, IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, REFUNDED, REFUNDING. |
transferErrorMsg | String | Transfer error message if failed |
subMerchantId | String | The sub merchant ID. |
Payer Object Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | fullname(Input specification: Only a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and spaces is allowed. Spanish and Portuguese letters, and other special characters are not allowed). |
String | email. | |
phone | String | Mobile phone number. |
document | JSON | Wallet holder identity proof, such as CPF for Brazil. |
billingAddress | JSON | Billing address info. |
document Object Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
documentId | String | identity number |
type | String | enum of CPF or CNPJ |
billingAddress Object Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
zipCode | String | zip code. such as CEP in Brazil |
state | String | state. should be abbreviation, such as SP in Brazil |
city | String | city name. |
district | String | district name. |
street | String | street name. |
number | String | street number. |
complement | String | complement info. |
country | String | country code. |
transferDetails Object Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
pix | JSON | pix detail info |
boleto | JSON | boleto detail info |
pix Object Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
qrCode | String | barcode of pix order |
qrCodeType | String | enum value of STATIC, DYNAMIC |
expirationTime | String | expird time |
boleto Object Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
barcode | String | barcode |
digitalLine | String | digitalLine |
paymentTerm | JSON | payment term info, such as payment expired date |