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Cancel a Recurring Payment

Only when payment status is ACTIVE, can a PayCash recurring payment be cancelled.

HTTP Request

POST /v1/payments/charges/references/cancel/{{idempotencyKey}}

Request Headers
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}",
    "x-api-key": "{{api_key}}"
Content-Type: application/json
    "transferStatusCode": 200,
    "idempotencyKey": "{{idempotencyKey}}",
    "country": "CO",
    "currency": "COL",
    "createTime": "2023-10-20 02:40:07 UTC",
    "status": "CANCELLED",
    "description": "",
    "transferDetails": {
        "payCash": {
            "amount": 0,
            "expirationDate": "2024-09-30",
            "reference": "1264248200066"

HTTP Headers Details

Key Value
Authorization "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}}

PATH and Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
idempotencyKey String The idempotency key of the payment which need to cancel

Response Body Details

Parameter Type Description
transferStatusCode Integer Transfer status code, 200 if CANCELLED.
idempotencyKey String Unique key of payment record.
country String Country code
currency String The currency of the transferred fund
createTime String Payment ticket created time.
status String Transfer status, should be CANCELLED if success.
description String Description of payment
transferDetails JSON Transaction details info

Object Parameters

Parameter Type Description
payCash JSON The payCash details
Parameter Type Description
amount Long The transaction amount.
expirationDate String Expire date in local time,format "yyyy-MM-dd"
reference String This is a reference that can be used for more than one time.
The payer is required to provide two numbers to the cashier to finish payment. One is this reference number and the other is an agreement number.

Agreement Codes

Offline Collection Points Agreement Code
Efecty 112766
Refacil Don't need an agreement code.
Acciones y valores Don't need an agreement code.
Banco de Bogotá Don't need an agreement code.
APUESTAS NACIONALES (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
BEMOVIL (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
CB CLARO (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
COMERCIAL CARD (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
CONSUERTE (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
COOPENESA (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
EDEQ (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
FULLCARGA (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
JER (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
MAFEPHONE (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
MAXI SERVICIOS (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
MOVIL RED (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
PEQUEÑAS SUPERFICIES CREDIBANCO (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
PEQUEÑAS SUPERFICIES REDEBAN (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
PRACTISISTEMAS (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
PUNTO DE PAGO (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
PUNTORED (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
SEAPTO (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
SU CHANCE (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
SUPERPAGOS (Corresponsal Banco de Bogotá) 22506
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