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Payment Methods

Payment Methods Available

Country Country Code Payment Method Name Payment Method Code Limit Refund Note
Brazil BR Boleto BOLETO >= 5 BRL need customer bank account info
Brazil BR Credit Card CREDIT_CARD
Brazil BR PicPay PIC_PAY
Brazil BR PayPal PAYPAL
Brazil BR Bank Transfer BANK_TRANSFER need customer bank account info
Mexico MX Credit Card CREDIT_CARD email is required.
Mexico MX Bank Transfer BANK_TRANSFER
Mexico MX PayCash PAY_CASH <= 20,000 MXN need customer bank account info
Mexico MX OXXO OXXO need customer bank account info
Colombia CO Credit Card CREDIT_CARD Amount must be a multiple of 100
Colombia CO Nequi NEQUI >= 2000 COP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 need customer bank account info name, phone and email are required.
Colombia CO PSE PSE >= 1000 COP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 need customer bank account info name, phone and email are required.
Colombia CO PayCash PAY_CASH <= 5,000,000 COP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 need customer bank account info
Chile CL Credit Card CREDIT_CARD >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 name, phone and email are required.
Chile CL WebPay WEB_PAY >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1,000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 email and description are required.
Chile CL Khipu KHIPU >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1,000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 email and description are required.
Chile CL Mach MACH >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1,000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 email and description are required.
Chile CL Pago46 PAGO46 >= 1000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1,000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 email and description are required.
Chile CL Tarjeta Hites HITES >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1,000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 email and description are required.
Chile CL Fintoc FINTOC >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1,000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 email and description are required.
Chile CL Servifacil SERVIFACIL >= 1 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 >= 1,000 CLP, Amount must be a multiple of 100 email and description are required.
Peru PE Credit Card CREDIT_CARD >= 5 PEN, Amount must be a multiple of 100 name, email and document are required.
Peru PE Pago Efectivo PAGO_EFECTIVO >= 5 PEN, Amount must be a multiple of 100 need customer bank account info name, email and document are required.
Peru PE BCP BCP >= 5 PEN, Amount must be a multiple of 100 need customer bank account info name, email and document are required.
Peru PE Payvalida PAYVALIDA >= 5 PEN, Amount must be a multiple of 100 need customer bank account info name, email and document are required.
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