Recurring Payment
The reference number generated by Paycash recurring payment can be paid multiple times, and will be recorded as multiple payin orders in Liquido's backend.
For cash payments at offline collection points in Peru, the payer is required to provide two numbers to the cashier to finish payments. One is the generated reference number(referencia) and the other is the agreement code(convenio). Reference number is included in the response which locates in ‘referenceNumber’ response field. Agreement code may differ with different offline collection points, please check the details in Agreement Codes.
HTTP Request
Content-Type: application/json
"transferStatusCode": 200,
"idempotencyKey": "06c28bb9-9bbe-4e8b-9064-2a23daff914d",
"country": "PE",
"currency": "PEN",
"createTime": "2025-02-19 19:38:02 UTC",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"description": "this is a test reference",
"callbackUrl": "",
"transferDetails": {
"payCash": {
"amount": 0,
"expirationDate": "2025-02-21",
"reference": "7041740022683866"
Notification / Callback
Content-Type: application/json
"finalAmount": 1000,
"finalCurrency": "PEN",
"createTime": "2025-02-19 19:38:02 UTC",
"finalStatusTime":"2025-02-20 00:30:55 UTC",
"description":"this is a test pay",
"paymentTime": "2025-02-19 19:29:20"
Request Headers Parameters
Key | Value |
Authorization | "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}} |
x-api-key | {{api_key}} |
Request Body Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
idempotencyKey | String | Unique key to ensure idempotent requests. given by the merchant in their system. | |
paymentMethod | String | Payment method, enum value as PAY_CASH. | |
country | String | country code | |
currency | String | The currency code of the transferred fund | |
amount | Long | The transaction amount. The minimum settlement granularity of the current currency, such as 100=1PEN. It’ll be ‘0’ by default. If the amount is ‘0’, end customers can pay at offline collection points by any amount they want with the reference number, eg. end customer can pay 100PEN for the first time and pay 200PEN for the second time. If the amount is not ‘0’, eg. it’s ‘50000’, meaning that end customers can only pay fixed amount for 500PEN each time. |
expirationDate | String | Payment’s expiration date(yyyy-MM-dd). | |
description | String | description of payment | |
callbackUrl | String | URL where Liquido will send notifications associated to changes to this payment. will receive a post request. |
Response Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
transferStatusCode | Integer | Transfer status code, 200 transaction SETTLED or IN_PROGRESS, other FAILED |
idempotencyKey | String | Unique key to ensure idempotent requests. given by the merchant in their system |
country | String | country code |
currency | String | The currency code of the transferred fund |
createTime | String | Payment ticket created time |
status | String | Transfer status |
description | String | description of payment |
transferDetails | JSON | transaction details info |
callbackUrl | String | URL where Liquido will send notifications associated to changes to this payment. will receive a post request. |
Object Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
payCash | JSON | The payCash details |
Parameter | Type | Description |
amount | Long | The transaction amount. |
expirationDate | String | Expire date in Peru time,format "yyyy-MM-dd" |
reference | String | This is a reference that can be used for more than one time. The payer is required to provide two numbers to the cashier to finish payment. One is this reference number and the other is an agreement number. |
Parameter | Description |
ACTIVE | The transaction has been created successfully, and it’s active for processing. |
EXPIRED | The transaction of this payment has been expired. |
CANCELLED | The transaction of this payment has been cancelled. |
FAILED | There was an error while processing the transaction of this payment. This status is followed by a message with more details about the error. |
Notification Event Type
Agreement Codes
Collection Points | Agreement Code | Remark |
Caja Trujillo | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Caja Los Andes | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Financiera QAPAQ | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Edpyme Alternativa | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Caja Paita | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Caja Municipal Del Santa | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Western Union | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Banco Pichincha | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Kasnet | 220114 | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Banco BCP | 24162 | Provide the last 13 digits of the reference |
Yape | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide the last 13 digits of the reference |
Agente Cash | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
BBVA Perú | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Interbank | 0319901 | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
IZIPAY | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Banco del comercio | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Megapunto | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Red digital | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Niubiz | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Caja Arequipa | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |
Banbif | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide the last 14 digits of the reference |
FULL CARGA | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide the last 14 digits of the reference |
PREXPE | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide the last 14 digits of the reference |
ASTROPAY | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide the last 14 digits of the reference |
Floid | Don't need an agreement code. | Provide a full 16-digit reference |