The notification message will be sent to your Notification URL using POST protocol whenever payment status is changed.
"statusCode": 200,
"errorMsg": "",
"idempotencyKey": "TestPixUSDTOBRL-20220822002",
"targetName": "{{TARGET_PERSON_FULL_NAME}}",
"targetDocument": "{{TARGET_PERSON_CPF}}",
"targetPixKey": "{{TARGET_PIX_KEY}}",
"targetPixKeyType": "{{TARGET_PIX_KEY_TYPE}}",
"targetBankCode": "{{TARGET_BANK_CODE}}",
"targetBankAgency": "{{TARGET_BANK_AGENCY}}",
"targetBankAccountId": "{{TARGET_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID}}",
"amount": "1.00",
"amountInCents": 100,
"currency": "USD",
"paidAmount": 314,
"paidCurrency": "BRL",
"exchangeRate": 5.067,
"paidTax": 192,
"createTime": "{{PAYOUT_CREATE_TIME}}",
"finalStatusTime": "{{PAYOUT_FINAL_STATUS_TIME}}",
"transferStatus": "SETTLED",
"transferStatusCode": 200,
"transferErrorMsg": "",
"subMerchantId": "UUID",
"transactionDetail": {
"endToEndId": "27359365-7b8a-4fe2-bc16-962074f54f96"
Parameter | Type | Description |
statusCode | Integer | 200 Success |
errorMsg | String | Error message if failed |
idempotencyKey | String | Unique key to ensure idempotent requests |
targetName | String | Target account holder full name |
targetDocument | String | Target account holder identity, CPF 11 digits |
targetPixKey | String | Target PIX Key |
targetPixKeyType | String | The type of target PIX key, enum value as email, phone, document or random |
targetBankCode | String | Target Bank Code. three digits. |
targetBankAgency | String | Target Bank Agency Code. |
targetBankAccountId | String | Target Bank Account Id. |
amount | String | DEPRECATED. The transfer amount. note: 1 = 1BRL. Please use "amountInCents" instead |
amountInCents | Long | The transfer amount. note: 100 = 1BRL/1USD |
currency | String | The currency code of the transferred fund. enum value as BRL, USD |
paidAmount | Long | Null if input currency was BRL. The amount that beneficiary get paid in paidCurrency |
paidCurrency | String | Null if input currency was BRL. The currency used to paid for beneficiary, BRL |
exchangeRate | Double | Null if input currency was BRL. Exchange rate for payment if currency was not BRL |
paidTax | Long | Null if input currency was BRL. Transfer fee for currency conversion |
createTime | String | Payment record create time |
finalStatusTime | String | Transfer final status update time, final status include SETTLED, FAILED and REJECTED |
transferStatus | String | Transfer status, SETTLED, FAILED and REJECTED, We should use transferStatus to judge the payment status |
transferStatusCode | Integer | Transfer status code, TransferErrorCode |
transferErrorMsg | String | Transfer error message if failed |
subMerchantId | String | The sub merchant ID. |
transactionDetail | JSON | Transaction receipt information, may be empty if the transaction is rejected |
transactionDetail Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
endToEndId | String | Transaction receipt information when the transaction is Pix, may be empty if the transaction is rejected |