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Retrieve a Payment

HTTP Request

GET /v1/payments/charges/{{idempotencyKey}}

Request Headers
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}",
    "x-api-key": "{{api_key}}"
    "transferStatusCode": 200,
    "transferErrorMsg": null,
    "idempotencyKey": "2022030214000008",
    "referenceId": "2022030214000008",
    "paymentMethod": "CREDIT_CARD",
    "amount": 300,
    "currency": "COP",
    "country": "CO",
    "createTime": "2022-03-01 21:16:42 GMT-08:00",
    "scheduledTime": "2022-03-01 21:16:42 GMT-08:00",
    "finalStatusTime": "2022-03-01 21:16:48 GMT-08:00",
    "payer": {
        "name": "username",
        "email": "",
        "document" : "88778878",
        "phone": "+57 3123456789",
        "billingAddress": {  
            "zipCode": "111111",
            "state": "Cundinamarca",
            "city": "Bogotá",
            "street": "Apartamento 502, Torre I",
            "number": "Calle 34 # 56 - 78"
    "transferDetails": {
        "card": {
            "cardInfo": {
                "cardHolderName": "card_holder_name",
                "expirationMonth": 06,
                "expirationYear": 2029,
                "bin": "424242",
                "last4": "4242",
                "brand": "VISA"
            "cardToken": {
                "token": "card_8736453a-dad0-4f26-85f0-95e8787d0237",
                "type": "CARD"
        "cashPay": {
            "email": "",
            "externalIdentifier": "111111",
            "businessAgreementCode": "111111",
            "paymentIntentionIdentifier": "111111"
        "bankTransfer": {
            "paymentUrl": ""
            "paymentTime": "2022-10-06 00:21:20"
    "transferStatus": "SETTLED",
    "description": "this is a test pay",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "subMerchantId": "UUID"
HTTP Headers Details
Key Value
Authorization "bearer" + " " + {{access_token}}
x-api-key {{api_key}}
PATH and Query Parameters
Parameter Type Description
idempotencyKey String The idempotency key of the transaction
Response Body Details
Parameter Type Description
idempotencyKey String Unique key to ensure idempotent requests
amount Long The transfer amount
country String country code
currency String The currency of the transferred fund
createTime String The creation time of payin request
scheduledTime String Transfer ticket scheduled time
payer JSON payer info
transferDetails JSON transaction details info
finalStatusTime String The settled or failed time of payin transaction
transferStatusCode Integer Transfer status code, 200 transaction SETTLED, IN_PROGRESS, FAILED, REFUNDED, REFUNDING.
transferErrorMsg String Transfer error message if failed
subMerchantId String The sub merchant ID.

Object Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
name String fullname(Input specification: Only a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and spaces is allowed. Spanish and Portuguese letters, and other special characters are not allowed).
email String email.
document String CC
phone String Mobile phone number. Should include “+57” as a prefix.
billingAddress JSON Billing address info.
Parameter Required Type Description
zipCode String zip code.
state String state.
city String city name.
street String street name.
number String street number.
Parameter Type Description
bankTransfer JSON Bank transfer related information, you need to pay attention to the paymentUrl field,you need to redirect the customer to this URL so that he can comokete the payment in the respective financial institution
psePay JSON Pse pay related information, you need to pay attention to the paymentUrl field,you need to redirect the customer to this URL so that he can comokete the payment in the respective financial institution
cashPay JSON Cash pay related information,you can share the businessAgreementCode and paymentIntentionIdentifier with your customers so they can personally make the payment at any Corresponsal Bancario physical points of payment.
payCash JSON payCash detail info
Parameter Type Description
paymentUrl String Payment url.
Parameter Type Description
paymentUrl String Payment url.
externalIdentifier String External identifier
ticketId String Ticket Id
Parameter Type Description
email String Email.
externalIdentifier String External identifier
businessAgreementCode String Business agreement Code
paymentIntentionIdentifier String Payment intention identifier
Parameter Type Description
cardInfo JSON card detail info
cardToken JSON card token info, can use it to create a card payment instead of card info
Parameter Type Description
cardHolderName String Cardholder's full name.
bin String first 6 digit number of the card
last4 String last 4 digit number of the card
brand String Credit card brand. such as Visa, Mastercard or Amex
expirationMonth Integer 1 or 2 digit number(s) representing the card's expiration month.
expirationYear Integer 4 digit numbers representing the card's expiration year.
Parameter Type Description
token String token value.
type String token type enum, such as CARD
Parameter Type Description
referenceNumber String The payer uses this number to pay for the transaction
expirationDate String Expire date in Mexico time,format "yyyy-MM-dd"
recurring Boolean Multiple times to pay or single
paymentTime String Actual payment time in Mexico time, format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
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