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Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer Payment

Create a Bank Transfer payment

HTTP Request

POST /v1/payments/payouts/transfer

Request Headers
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}",
    "x-api-key": "{{api_key}}"
Request Body
    "idempotencyKey": "idempotency-key",
    "country": "CL",
    "targetName": "Test Name",
    "targetEmail": "",
    "targetDocument": "0000000",
    "targetDocumentType": "RUT",
    "targetBankCode": "0001",
    "targetBankAccountId": "12312312312",
    "targetBankAccountType": "CHECKING",
    "amountInCents": 100000,
    "currency": "CLP",
    "comment": "description",
    "callbackUrl": "",
    "subMerchantId": "UUID"
Content-Type: application/json
    "idempotencyKey": "idempotency-key",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "errorMsg": "",
    "transferStatus": "IN_PROGRESS",
    "transferStatusCode": 200,
    "transferErrorMsg": ""

HTTP Headers Details

Key Value
Content-Type application/json
Authorization "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}}
x-api-key {{api_key}}

Request Body Details

Parameter Required Type Description
idempotencyKey String Unique key to ensure idempotent requests.
country String country code. CL
targetName String Target account holder full name.
targetEmail String Target account holder email.
targetDocument String Target account holder identity.
targetDocumentType String Target account holder identity type. RUT
targetBankCode String Target Bank Code.see Supported Bank.
targetBankAccountId String Target Bank Account Id.
targetBankAccountType String Target bank account type. CHECKING, SAVINGS, RUT
amountInCents Long The transfer amount. note: 100 = 1CLP, minimum 100000
currency String The currency code of the transferred fund. CLP
comment String Description of payment.
callbackUrl String URL where Liquido will send notifications associated to changes to this payment. will receive a post request.
subMerchantId String The sub merchant ID. Required for PSPs.
riskData JSON The risk data of the payment. MERCHANT_APP_NAME or MERCHANT_WEBSITE must be provided in risk Data. Please see here for further details.

Create A Payment With Risk Data

Please see here for further details.

Response Body Details

Parameter Type Description
idempotencyKey String Unique key to ensure idempotent requests.
statusCode Integer 200 Success, 401 Access denied, 422 Required fields missing or invalid data, 500 internal error
errorMsg String error message if failed
transferStatus String Transfer status, SETTLED, IN_PROGRESS, FAILED or REJECTED. We should use transferStatus to judge the payment status
transferStatusCode Integer Transfer status code, TransferErrorCode
transferErrorMsg String Transfer error message if failed

Supported Bank

Bank Code Bank Name
0001 Banco de Chile
0009 Banco Internacional
0012 Banco Estado
0014 Scotiabank Chile
0016 Banco de crédito e inversiones (BCI)
0027 Banco Corpbanca
0028 Banco Bice
0031 HSBC Bank Chile
0037 Banco Santander Chile
0039 Itaú Corpbanca
0049 Banco Security
0051 Banco Falabella
0053 Banco Ripley
0054 Rabobank Chile
0055 Banco Consorcio
0056 Banco Penta
0057 Banco Paris
0059 Banco BTG Pactual Chile
0504 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Chile (BBVA)
0672 Coopeuch
729 Caja los Andes
730 Tenpo
732 Los Andes
875 Mercado Pago
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