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GET /v1/payments/charges/refund/{{idempotencyKey}}

Request Headers
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}",
    "x-api-key": "{{api_key}}"
Content-Type: application/json
    "transferStatusCode": 200,
    "transferErrorMsg": null,
    "idempotencyKey": "2022030214000007-1",
    "referenceId": "2022030214000007",
    "paymentMethod": "CREDIT_CARD",
    "amount": 300,
    "currency": "BRL",
    "country": "BR",
    "finalAmount": 100,
    "finalCurrency": "BRL",
    "createTime": "2022-03-01 21:18:56 GMT-08:00",
    "scheduledTime": "2022-03-01 21:18:56 GMT-08:00",
    "finalStatusTime": "2022-03-01 21:18:58 GMT-08:00",
    "payer": {
        "name": "username",
        "document": null,
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+55 81987654321",
        "billingAddress": {  
            "zipCode": "04849333",
            "state": "SP",
            "city": "sao paulo",
            "district": "Jardim Gaivotas",
            "street": "Rua 9 de setembro",
            "number": "15",
            "complement": "casa",
            "country": "BR"
    "transferStatus": "SETTLED",
    "description": "refund test",
    "callbackUrl": ""

HTTP Headers 参数说明

Key Value
Authorization "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}}
x-api-key {{api_key}}


参数 类型 描述
idempotencyKey String 幂等目的,退款的唯一标识ID

Response Body 参数说明

参数 类型 描述
idempotencyKey String 退款id
referenceId String 支付记录的id
amount Long 退款金额
country String 国家代码,BR
currency String 退款货币代码,BRL
createTime String 退款请求时间
finalAmount Long 用于创建收款订单的最终金额。对于需要转换汇率的收款订单,这个字段的值表示源请求金额被转换后的金额。
finalCurrency String finalAmount的收款货币代码
scheduledTime String 调用时间
finalStatusTime String 退款操作完成时间. 完成包括下面状态: "SETTLED", "FAILED"
transferStatus String 退款状态,枚举值,"SETTLED", "FAILED", "IN_PROGRESS"
transferStatusCode Integer 此次交易的状态码, 200表示交易成功或者进行中, 其他代表失败
transferErrorMsg String 此次交易失败原因
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