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Receive Customer's Message

WhatsApp users can ask questions in the chat room. You can receive these messages by providing a callback URL to Liquido. Currently, we only support forwarding text and image messages.

Callback Payload

Image message
    "type": "RECEIVED_MESSAGE",
    "data": {
        "message": {
            "messageId": "wamid.HBgNNTIxNjQ2MTg1NDA2MRUCABIYIDkzNzYxMDk1RTkyQTk4NjdCNEMzOTMzMTg5MDA3NzY0AA==",
            "chatbotNumber": "523347772024",
            "timestamp": "2024-07-03",
            "displayText": "Media Content, use the link to view",
            "type": "IMAGE",
            "mediaContentLink": "", // Optional
            "sender": {
                "whatsAppNumber": "525526966933",
                "customerName": "LOLI ❤️" // Optional
Text message
    "type": "RECEIVED_MESSAGE",
    "data": {
        "message": {
            "messageId": "wamid.HBgNNTIxNjQ2MTg1NDA2MRUCABIYIDkzNzYxMDk1RTkyQTk4NjdCNEMzOTMzMTg5MDA3NzY0AA==",
            "chatbotNumber": "523347772024",
            "timestamp": "2024-07-03",
            "displayText": "Hace dos días",
            "type": "TEXT",
            "sender": {
                "whatsAppNumber": "526461854061",
                "customerName": "Rosario"

Callback Payload Details

Parameter Type Description
type String The type of this payload.
data.message JSON The payload of type RECEIVED_MESSAGE.
Message Object Parameters
Parameter Type Description
messageId String ID of this message.
chatbotNumber String Number of chatbot.
timestamp String Time of this message.
displayText String Text displayed in this message.
type String Message Type. IMAGE or TEXT.
mediaContentLink String Media content link of the message.
sender.whatsAppNumber String WhatsApp number of the message sender.
sender.customerName String WhatsApp name of the message sender.
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