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Payment Settled

Notification WhatsApp user order has been settled

HTTP Request


Payment Settled Request

Request Headers
  "Content-Type": "application/json",
  "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}",
  "x-api-key": "{{api_key}}"
Request Body
  "phone": "11987654321",
  "countryCallingCode": "+55",
  "customerName": "Austin Bu",
  "redirectLink": "",
  "orderId": "13490123",
  "currency": "BRL",
  "amountInCents": "100",
  "contactInfo": "",
  "idempotentKey": "CIxywFV5mRRY"
Content-Type: application/json
  "resultCode": 200,
  "msgId": "gBGGFRBQmGUvAglCIxywFV5mRRY"
Content-Type: application/json
  "resultCode": "601",
  "errorMessage": "This phone number does not have an associated whatsapp account."
Content-Type: application/json
  "resultCode": "500",
  "errorMessage": "Server internal error."
Request Headers Parameters
Key Value
Authorization "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}}
x-api-key {{api_key}}
Request Body Parameters
Parameter Required Type Description
phone String Phone number without country code. "11987654321"
countryCallingCode String Country calling code. such as "+1" in USA.
customerName String Customer full name.
redirectLink String Redirect URL.
orderId String Order Id.
currency String Currency, such as "BRL".
amountInCents String Amount, in cents.
contactInfo String Contact info.
idempotentKey String Idempotent Id.
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