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View Sub Merchants Balance In Country

This API is used to list the balances of all your sub merchants in a selected country.


This API is available only when the sub merchant account is tracked independently. If the conditions are not met, an exception 'Feature is not supported' will be returned.

HTTP Request


GET /open-api/all/sub-merchant/balance

Request Headers
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}"
Request Example
curl ""
Content-Type: application/json
    "code": 200,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": [
        "subMerchantId": "1fe62922-dd3b-44ae-a51f-c45b62b15555" ,
        "subMerchantName": "ABC",
        "totalBalance": 0,
        "availableBalance": 0,
        "currency": "USD"
        "subMerchantId": "1fe62922-dd3b-44ae-a51f-c45b62b16666" ,
        "subMerchantName": "DEF",
        "totalBalance": 0,
        "availableBalance": 0,
        "currency": "USD"

HTTP Headers Details

Key Value
Authorization "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}}

Request Params Details

Parameter Required Type Description
countryCode String Country code, enumerate: BR,MX,US,CO,CL

Response Body Details

Parameter Type Description
code Int Response status code, such as 200
msg String Response status message, such as "success"
data JSON Response data

Object Parameters

Data (List)

Parameter Type Description
subMerchantId String The sub merchant ID.
subMerchantName String The sub merchant Name.
totalBalance Int The sub merchant balance (unit:cent)
availableBalance Int Withdrawable balance (unit:cent)
currency String Balance currency, such as BRL, MXN
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