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View Sub Merchant Statement

This API is used to query the statement of your sub merchant in a selected country.


This API is available only when the sub merchant account is tracked independently. If the conditions are not met, an exception 'Feature is not supported' will be returned.

HTTP Request


GET /open-api/sub-merchant/report/statement

Request Headers
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}"
Request Example
Content-Type: application/json
    "code": 200,
    "msg": "success",
    "data": {
        "pageNo": 1,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "pageCount": 1,
        "hasNext": false,
        "hasPrev": false,
        "total": 1,
        "dataList": [
                "num": 1,
                "orderId": "122542324561232356425",
                "referenceId": "122542324561232356425",
                "transactionType": "TOPUP",
                "operation": "SETTLED",
                "productName": "PIX",
                "createTime": "2023-08-01 00:15:24",
                "finishTime": "2023-08-01 00:15:24",
                "timezone": "Beijing, China (GMT+8)",
                "countryCode": "BR",
                "orderAmount": 100000,
                "exchangeRate": 1.000000,
                "settlementAmount": 1023487,
                "fee1Amount": 0,
                "tax1Amount": 0,
                "fee2Amount": 0,
                "tax2Amount": 0,
                "transactionMessage": "",
                "beneficiaryName": "",
                "bankBranch": "",
                "bankName": "",
                "bankAccount": "",
                "remark": "auto topup",
                "orderCurrency": "USD",
                "settlementCurrency": "USD",
                "fee1Currency": "USD",
                "tax1Currency": "USD",
                "fee2Currency": "USD",
                "tax2Currency": "USD"
        "startIndex": 0,
        "lastIndex": 1

Request Headers

Key Value
Authorization "Bearer" + " " + {{access_token}}

Request Params

Parameter Required Type Description
countryCode String Country code, such as BR, MX, US, CO, CL
subMerchantId String The ID of your sub merchant
date Date Date: 2022-12-12
pageSize Int Per page of data size
pageNo Int Page number

Response Body

Parameter Type Description
code Int Response status code, such as 200
msg String Response status message, such as "success"
data JSON Response data, click here to check the general template.
If you need customized response data, please reach out to Liquido and you’ll get the customized response data after setup.

Object Parameters


Parameter Type Description
num Int Data number
orderId String Order Id
referenceId String Reference id
transactionType String Transaction type code, such as PAY_IN, PAY_OUT, etc
operation String Operation type, such as SETTLED, REFUND, REJECTED, CHARGE_BACK, etc
productName String Product, such as PIX, SPEI, etc.
createTime String Create time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
finishTime String Settle time, format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
timezone String Settle timezone
countryCode String Country code, such as BR, MX, US, CO, CL
orderAmount Int Order amount(unit:cent)
exchangeRate Double Exchange rate
settlementAmount Int Settlement amount(unit:cent)
fee1Amount Int Commission fee 1 amount(unit:cent)
tax1Amount Int Tax 1 amount(unit:cent)
fee2Amount Int Commission fee 2 amount(unit:cent)
tax2Amount Int Tax 2 amount(unit:cent)
transactionMessage String Transaction message
beneficiaryName String Beneficiary Name
bankBranch String Bank Branch
bankName String Bank Name
bankAccount String Bank Account
remark String Remark
orderCurrency String Order amount currency, such as BRL, MXN, USD
settlementCurrency String Settlement amount currency, such as BRL, MXN, USD
fee1Currency String Commission fee 1 currency, such as BRL, MXN, USD
tax1Currency String Tax 1 currency, such as BRL, MXN, USD
fee2Currency String Commission fee 2 currency, such as BRL, MXN, USD
tax2Currency String Tax 2 currency, such as BRL, MXN, USD
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